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Words are powerful.
What are you doing with yours?

by Sara Pixton:
birth mentor, applied linguistics scholar, and social work student
"This podcast helped me so much as I was preparing for birth. It helped dispel the fear and nervousness I was carrying, and replace that with empowerment and excitement. Sara’s approach to using words to shape your approach/perspective towards birth is so insightful and really does make a difference! I would recommend this not only to birth-givers, but to anyone seeking to understand the connection of how what we say impacts how we think, and how that in turn can shift our paradigm."
Saraiswanderings on Apple Podcasts
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I value your input! Is there an aspect of the birth/language fusion that you'd like to hear more about? Is there an issue that you've dealt with or celebrated that you'd like to share on the podcast? Would you like to share your birth story on the podcast?
Let me know by submitting your idea(s) below.
"Birth is something that women do--not something that happens to them. The birth-giving woman is the central agent in the ancient drama of life bringing forth new life."
Ina May Gaskin
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